Saturday, May 2, 2009

Letter requesting more information on families

May 2, 2009

Dear cousins
No, we haven’t had more snow but we’ve certainly had the rain. IT is bring the May flowers that April showers promise. My yard is bursting at the seams with flowers and beautiful things.
I’ve put so much work and BS into my yard, bag after bag after bag, each year I’ve probably added 100 bags, and this year 18 cubic yards of sandy top soil. It’s starting to work. I’ve transplanted and carried seeds from other peoples yards as I go on walks in the fall and planted them in the yard and in the city property next to mine which has been neglected the five years I’ve lived here.
See my Blog, “home and garden” to read about all the improvements we’ve been able to make this year and see photos.
Especially funny is the one “my rail fence is blooming” We’re not used to this much rain!
It’s like when Brent was 12 and we drove through the mid west and he asked, “how do they keep this all irrigated?”
I loved Jerome’s article. It’s what I’ve been saying in my books, “Turn the Hearts of the Children.” I hope you will all read and enjoy them. They are novels about my two youngest, Brent and Lynae, traveling through space and time to vistit the New Mexico relatives through the 400 years of NM history.
They are on the blogs. Volume III is written by Eliseo. Volume 4 is Jacobs/Hoblit History.
Spaniards and Conquistadores has some fantasy writing of our earliest known ancestors coming from Spain, and Cabesa de Vaca’s Mayan mother of three of his children from whom we descend as well.
Genealogy is just pedigree charts and family sheets that Uncle Eliseo and I put together through years of research, and the others are just more information on family. The psychobabble ones are just that.

Lickin’ & groomin’ is a special cognitive therapy blog for those who are dealing with inherited bipolar spectrum illness; I will post your articles on bipolar there, as well as in adult psychopathology. Mary might enjoy looking at that and passing it on to clients who deal with family inherited mental illness.
It refers to other websites of psychiatrists and psychologists a lot more knowledgeable than I.
I hope you and your children enjoy reading them and passing along family history. I hope my children read my stuff and the stuff you added to it; I put that in Bustamante history and Spaniards and Conquistdores. I often duplicate among the blogs in case someone misses it in one they can catch it in another.
Lola Lynda

You did mention you had Bustamante genealogy linking us to Christopher Columbus when you were here. I would love to see that and blog it as well as anything else you might have that I don’t have.

Come on, cough it up or I’ll bug you forever. You know I will..

Please pass this information to all you know and love

To see my blogs you can go to my website:
click on the “seeblogs”
go to the bottom of our wedding photo, go to the bottom of the list of posts,
choose anyone I mentioned above, click on that, browse through the posts
Go to
go to the bottom of our wedding photo, go to the bottom of the list of posts,
choose anyone I mentioned above, click on that, browse through the posts

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